Роботчето Р1

180 ден


Шифра: 6539
Издавач: Светот на Биби

Што е тоа? Дали навистина Боби направи роботче!? Јипирипи! Со помош на Зина, Зази и Биби, роботчето Р1 оживува и почнува да прави неверојатни работи. Тоа не само што ја претвори гаражата на Боби во суперопремена лабораторија, туку отвара и – портал! Портал што ќе ги однесе Биби, Боби. Зази и Зина… Каде? Ќе прочитате во оваа книга…

Тежина 0,1 g

Manufacturer: Trimax

Year of preparation: 2017

For smart kids – give Christmas presents.

In anticipation of the New Year’s holidays, let’s please our dearest with the New Year’s Educational Package.


New Year’s picture book,
Christmas coloring book,
Educational watch,
Coloring book big 4D,
Notebook with a spiral,
Water colors,
Seal Carioca,
Jumbo pen,
CD Logs.


Code: 3182

Author: Prof.Ratomir Grozdanoski, Ph.D Protodeacon;

Editors: Academician Gjorgi Pop-Atanasov and

Prof. Gjoko Gjorgjevski,Ph.D;

Year of publishing: 2018;

Language of the original: Macedonian/English

Number of pages: 128


Full Color print on quality paper.

With the blessing from His Beatitude Stefan Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedonia Head of the Macedonian Orthodox Church.


God speaks about Macedonia.

And what said God about Macedonia? Are the Macedonians mentioned?

Is  there the name Macedonia in the Bible?

Is there any Macedonians in the Holy Scriptures?

Are the Macedonian churches mentioned in the Bible?

Is all this true? Is this written in your Bible?

And who wrote it? When and for whom? Whose is she desire and at whose will?

It is only once written somewhere in the Bible, accidental, irrelevant and unnecessary, as the mistake?

Not once, but almost thirty times is written; it is not irrelevant and unnecessary, but with particular significance and is not subsequently added, but it is in the biblical text always and until to today ‒ Ther is in the oldest and in the latest Bibles, and the same in the oldest and in the most modern languages.

This is exactly what we offer in this book, dear readers.

Go ahead, read it and make sure.

We make for you a reference from separate biblical texts in 7 languages…



Publisher: Trimax

Year of publication: 2015

Original title: Geographical Atlas

Language of the original: Macedonian

Number of pages: 96

ISBN: 998994077-0

Edition: fourth

Cover: hard

The 96-page Geographic Atlas for Primary Education displays the world through different types of maps. It first depicts the shape, size, and structure of the Earth, as well as its position in the Solar System. Also there are several thematic maps of the Republic of Macedonia. Including administrative, tourist and commercial maps. Then, through the atlas, there are physical, geographical, political and thematic maps for all continents and individual countries. At the end of the atlas there are statistics in which the basic data for each country in the world are presented. In addition to the atlas there is also a multimedia CD that will enable the student to better understand the world around him. Here is a digital edition of the geographical atlas (physical-geographical, political and thematic maps from around the world) and a large number of multimedia content, as well as the complete geography textbook for 5th grade. There is also a quiz for testing to test knowledge.


Издавач: Тримакс

Година на издавање: 2015

Наслов на оригиналот: Географски атлас

Јазик на оригиналот: македонски

Број на страни: 96

ISBN: 998994054-1

Издание: четврто

Корица: мека

Географскиот атлас наменет за основно образование низ 96 страни го прикажува светот преку различни типови на карти. Во него најпрво се прикажани формата, големината и градбата на Земјата како и нејзината положба во Солтниот систем. Исто така овде се наоѓаат и неколку тематски карти на Р. Македонија меѓу кои административни, туристички и стопански карти. Потоа низ атласот следат физичко-географски, политички и темински карти за сите континенти и одделни држави. На крајот од атласот има статистика во која се дадени основните податоци за секоја земја во светот.


Wooden pencil with figure, ornament numbers up to 9 and decorative bees.


Rubber Pelican 40


Badge lace, available in black, green, red, blue and gray


Badge for identification with clip, 70x100mm.


Badge PVC with a string


Tape holder medium, 55x105x50mm, plastic


Drill up to 40 sheets, 140x140mm, metal, with stop Dimension.


Drill Globbox up to 10 sheets, 100×50 mm, metal.


Publisher: Union of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia

Year of publication: 2017

Author: Marina Stojanovska

Editor: Dr. Zoran Zdravkovski

Number of parties: 115

Cover: soft

The Handbook Questions and Challenges in Chemistry for 8th Ch. made according to the curriculum in chemistry for 8th grade in the nine-year education with determined answers, is a teaching aid for the students from 8th grade. in the subject chemistry and can be applied in the regular classes, but also in the preparation of students for competitions. Except for students, this manual may also benefit teachers who teach chemistry. It covers content directly related to all topics envisaged in the curriculum for the 8th department and contains a total of 340 questions, as well as their answers.

SKU: 10331 Категорија

Notebooks A5 Blesses monochrome, cubes and lines


Marker for CD Globbox, available in blue and black, with a writing edge thickness of 1 mm and 0.4 mm.


Marker permanent 3A, 3mm, red, black, blue.


Markers for white board, a pack of four markers in black, blue and red


Knife for scalpel small, 85x9mm


Knife for scalpel large, 110x18mm


Publisher: Trimax

Year of publication: 2013

Title of the original: We are collaborating with the figures

Language of the original: Macedonian

Number of Pages: 32

ISBN: 608-204-037-6

Cover: soft

This product is a blend of paint, picture book and work. The product allows you to spend nice time with children, having fun and socializing, and at the same time learning. The workshop provides a variety of fun exercises and tasks through which children get acquainted with the numbers from 1 to 10 in an easy and interesting way. Activities are prepared to learn how to recognize, count and write numbers. With the job, the child will think, paint, cut and stick. On the back cover, with the system “write-delete”, children can write and draw countless times. It can be mistaken, deleted and rewritten and rewritten. The book is for kids up to the age of seven.

SKU: 6222 Категорија

Water colors with 12 different colors and brush.


Patents gold, silver and color, 50 pieces.
