Return products
You can return a new, unpacked product in the original packaging as sent by Trimax, within 30 days of delivery, with you bearing the shipping costs. If the shipment arrived by our mistake, the costs will be borne by Trimax.
If you need to return the shipment, you will need to do the following:
- You will first need to submit a slip given to you upon delivery of the shipment. You will need to pack the same shipping slip with the shipment in the original packaging as sent to you by Trimax.
- You will then send it the same way you ordered the product, by mail, GLS, etc.
Trimax will not accept shipments packaged in other packaging, without a slip as confirmation of receipt of the shipment and proof of payment. Trimax will not accept return of the shipment if the deadline for return of the shipment has expired. Trimax will not accept open or damaged shipments.
If you have lost the shipment for delivery, please call Trimax to have an order number sent to you.
If you return a shipment that was sent to you as a gift and you do not have a slip, ask the person who gives you the product to give you an order number.
For a refund we will need 5-10 working days to receive your shipment and 3-5 working days for the refund process, depending on the method of payment.
If the shipment is returned within 30 days, in the original packaging, unopened and undamaged, we will pay you 80% of the price of the shipment.
If the shipment arrives within 30 days, and is open, unpacked or damaged, we will pay you up to 50% of the value of the shipment.
If you return a shipment ordered at a discount, which is open, damaged or missing parts, we are not obliged to pay you any compensation. And if it is returned unopened then we return 80% of the price of the shipment.